Wednesday, 10 October 2007


This witch is back...

I'm now a grad student, reading a hell of a lot of texts on gender, and unsurprisingly my urge to blog again on gender/sexuality issues has been whet. Plus, I gave this link out at the request of a couple of other women from my course and feel some responsibility to actually give this place some content.

I've been reading: Sigmund Freud, Deleuze and Guattari, Judith Butler, Scott Lash, Donna Haraway, bell hooks, Toril Moi, Vic Seidler, Michel Foucault and Simone de Beauvoir. And that's less than two weeks reading. Phew!

How fabulous to have the time to dig deep into feminist and cultural theory and history, though. I avoided Women's Studies departments for fairly obvious reasons, and even feminist theory tends to be intersected with queer theory in the way it's taught in mine, which, I suppose, is kind of my slant on feminism too.

Anyhow, I have a big post on Freud/psychoanalysis and misogyny brewing, and may post it over here should it have enough BDSM content.

For now, a quote from Donna Haraway. So many of the feminist bloggers I read regularly have been distancing themselves from the f-word of late, and I have been feeling similarly. However, this short definition reinspired me a little...

A feminist is one who fights for women as a class and for the disappearance of that class.

It's that fucking simple.